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  • inquiry@careerprovideress.com
  • Mon - Sat : 09:00 to 18:00

Read Our FAQ’s

Read All Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you answer all your queries. Contact Us for more information. These are the most commonly asked questions.

  • Can I practice in India on my return, after MBBS / MD degree from Abroad?

    YES. As per the current rules of the National Medical Council (NMC), you can prachoe in India. After graduating from abroad, you have to appear for a “Screening test” conducted by the National Board of Education (NBE}, New Delhi. On cleanng this test you need to register with the MCI and comply with all their nules and then you will get a Registraton which will allow you to practice Medicine in India

  • How many times I can appear in the Screening Test?

    There is NO LIMIT on the number of Attempts in the Screening Test. A sincere student will pass Screening Test in first attempt. Itis a QUALIFYING test similar to class 12 test. Itis NOT an ELIMINATION test such as PMT. Note: It is likely that the Screening Test wall be administered to ALL students from India, studying in private and government colleges in India, in addrtion to students from overseas, in order to create a uniform MBBS education competency standard in India. Visit NMC Website for more information.

  • Can I get a job in Government Hospitals or applied Medical institutions in India?

    YES. After registering with MCI. the Doctor can apply for Goveriment & Private jobs or do his/ her own practice. as the person is now recognized by the Indian Authorities as a Qualified Doctor.

  • What kind of Food will I get in Foreign Countries?

    a. Students can cook their own food — kitchen facilities are available.
    b. Indian Canteens and restaurants are available in the city and near the University's premises.
    c. Establishment of a dedicated low cost canteen serving Indian Food for Intenational students in the Hostel premises is under considerabon by the University.
    d. All food items such as rice, dal, potatoes, tomatoes, flour, pizzas, fruits, spices, tea, milk, butter etc are available for sale in the markets and bazaars.

  • Can I do Masters or Post Graduation there?

    YES. After completion of MBBS degree from India. Abroad or any recognized institute, you can pursue P.G. studies from abroad. The QUALITY of Education abroad is very high - as the Institutes teaches not only at the Bachelors - but also the Masters and PHD level.

  • Are there any Indian students already studying in these colleges?

    500-1200 Indian students are studying in each college listed in this brochure. There are many Indian Boys and girls from India.

  • Can I get Bank Loan and to what Extent?

    As per RBI regulation Students pursuing education abroad can obtain loan up to Rs. 15 Lacs. Visit the local Branch of a Nationalized Bank to find terms. Amount sanctioned depends on income proof of parents. i.e. Last Three years Income Tax Returns or Salary Certificate. You will have to satisfy the criteria that the Bank will apply. Visit the local Branches of Nationalized Banks in your area to find out more.

  • Is Foreign Medical Colleges are listed in the World Health Organization (WHO) Directory?

    YES. it is listed in WHO Directory of Medical Institutes. WHO publishes a list of Medical Colleges given by various countries. NOTE: WHO does NOT rank Medical Universities. What WHO does is simply publish the list of Medical Institutes given to it by each Government.

  • Is Abroad MBBS's Degree recognized in India and abroad?

    YES, The Abroad MBBS Degree is recognized in India and in more than 180 countries around the World. Graduates can practice in the following countries after completing formalities as needed by each country: 1. India: After clearing a Screening Test conducted by the National Council of Education. The test is held twice a year (June & December).
    2. United Kingdom: After passing the PLAB examination.
    3. United States of America: After clearing the USMLE.
    4. European Union {EU}: The degree is recognized by the European Union.
    Note: In addition to Professional Qualificatons, the applicant will have to apply with and other immigration rules of the host country - such as visa, work permits, medical fitness, language etc.

  • How does one apply for a Passport and what documents would I need?

    You need to either Apply for your Passport online and apply. The passport application process is moving online. Visit www.passportindia.gov.in The website contains the name, address and phone numbers of passport offices all over India. You can submit your application online or via speed post or via a form. In same cases the applications are being received ontine only. We recommend that you apply for your passport IMMEDIATELY. Fill out the form on the net and you get an appointment date. Visi the passport office and show your documents - they keep the photocopies and return the originals. Normally takes SIX to EIGHT weeks to receive a NEW Passport. The following documents are needed for the application of your passport.

    • - Your birth certificate
    • - Proof of residence & proof of Identity
    • - Certificate of Educational Qualificatons